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Through the use of materials, the composition of the space gives a comfy feel with the use of tints and shades of colors that make up the peacock. This allows for the art pieces to stand out and give pop to the room. The use of flooring and vertical laminate tie the space back to the origins of the highline by giving it a pinch of industrial sense the city of New York has.

Colored by Nature





Floor Plan

1/4" = 1' - 0"

1/4" = 1' - 0"

Ceiling Plan

Materials Palette

Section 1

1/4" = 1' - 0"

Section 2

1/4" = 1' - 0"

One Bed Suite​


The one bed room suit is vibrant with colors refering to the inspiration from a peakcock. The flooring and paint is more natarural and raw that give a visual rellief from the colors and reminds guests they are near the Highline. The space is divided by a partically transparent wall that allows light to pass through the entire space and serves as a display for television with a projector hidden in the wall. 

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